Protect your Data with a Superior Online Backup Solution

Are you prepared for the shock of data loss? Whether your data has been lost accidentally through defective hardware or software, or by user mistake or physical damage, or destroyed maliciously by viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware and other types of malware, the negative effect on your business is the same. Can you afford this kind of expensive chaos? The best way to protect your data is through service that offers object-based online backups system. HOSTAFRICA has recently added such a solution to our already impressive list of hosting and virtual and dedicated server solutions.
Online Backups though HOSTAFRICA.
Secure data protection and recovery with a leading online backup solution
HostAfrica’s online data backup solution will ensure that you are completely covered in the event of any data loss. You will be able to recover and restore any lost data safely and easily from our online server. This solution is available to individuals and businesses of all sizes, with an intuitive user-friendly interface and the flexibility to control the amount of time and network data being used. You can select the backup schedule, restore points and control the time and speed of the backups to suit your needs. Online backup packages are available for all requirements, whether it is for a single computer or even just an Office 365 backup or a comprehensive backup solution for virtual machines and servers. All backup data is fully secured through industry standard encryption and stored in a high-redundancy environment, with additional encryption and security measures available to be set by you, the user.
We can save you time, effort, bandwidth and money
The best part about this online backup solution is that there is reduced congestion and bandwidth use, unlike other Cloud-based backup systems in South Africa. After the initial full backup, subsequent backups are incremental and will only backup any changes to the data rather than repeat the full backup every time. With three flexible recovery options, you can easily download individual files or entire systems from backup as and when you need them. Setup takes just five minutes and round-the-clock customer service and support is just a click or call away. For reliable, affordable online backup solutions that keep your data protected, contact HOSTAFRICA today.