Lindy dB.
2min Read

Price Increase Notification

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Being the top-rated hosting provider is not a title that comes easy, nor do we wield it lightly. It requires expertise with exceptional service. To keep our services as high class as they’ve been, we’ve made a few changes to our cost base.

Factors beyond our control left us with no choice but to increase the prices on some of our services. These price changes will take effect from May 1st 2023.

For the sake of transparency, we thought it best to let you know what the cause behind these changes are.

  • Data Centre costs have increased by about 20%.
  • The ZAR/USD exchange rate has dropped, affecting our ability to keep costs low.
  • Power prices have risen due to the diesel price surcharges for generators.

Domains on external registrars will also see a price increase. If you’d like to transfer to our primary registrar, reach out to our support engineers.

We’ve compiled a table that shows you the price structure for each service. Please have a look and familiarise yourself with the increases that affect you.

Product New Price
Web Hosting
Starter $6.15
Basic $8.32
Power $14.41
Business $21.21
Email Hosting
Starter $3.31
Basic $4.51
Power $6.82
Business $12.11
Site Builder Hosting
Starter $6.09
Pro $9.29
Pro Plus $23.41
CMS Hosting
Starter $7.03
Basic $11.88
Power $21.21
Business $35.39
Web Hosting Reseller
Starter $21.21
Basic $49.57
Power $76.08
Business $106.89
CMS Hosting Reseller (LiteSpeed)
Starter $21.08
Basic $46.50
Power $74.39
Business $98.17
Cloud Backups Reseller
Azure South Africa North per GB $0.09
Advanced Backup for Physical Servers $10.00
Advanced Backup for Virtual Machines $3.90
Advanced Backup for Workstations $1.67
Advanced Backup for Hosting Servers $1.67
Cloud Backups
XS Plan $11.50
S Plan $17.50
M Plan $32.50
L Plan $73.50
XL Plan $120.00
Software & Addons
Web Hosting Reseller – Additional cPanel Accounts(Per Account) $0.30
Direct .com domains
Registration price $13.80
Renewal price $19.30
Reseller .com domains
Registration price $14.25
Renewal price $14.25

We’re thankful for your understanding and continued support. We’re all navigating these troubling times together. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team at or +27 21 554 3096.

We’ll continue providing you with the excellent service you know.

The Author

Lindy dB.

Lindy brings over 7 years of experience in SEO, web development, UI/UX design, and marketing to the table, with a special focus on the hosting industry. When not geeking out over the latest digital trends, you can find Lindy buried in a good book or exploring worlds in video games.

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